Monday, November 15, 2010

Fjord fun in Harstad

We had some people on the team who decided to jump in the fjord right before we left Harstad, as Jake mentioned in a previous post. Here is a video of the men that jumped in. It was probably 4 degrees celsius outside. :)


  1. That sounds like our annual "Polar Plunge" up here in northern Minnesota. See people jumping into the lake through a big hole cut in the ice here:

  2. RUSSELL and CODY!!!! you're out of control! that's awesome!

    I'm so glad you're there and loving your life and I'm praying for all of you! It was great seeing your faces today, the stories and memories you are making can not wait to be heard here! Continue to praise the Lord and glorify Him. By the way...I think yall are really cool!... haha.

    - Brooke :)
